Having worked in the Property Sector all their working careers the Directors wanted to change the view on Property Management and make it a Core Service rather than just a bolt on to a sales office. We utilise our vast range of highly skilled team members to ensure that every issue raised with your Investment is dealt with quickly and efficiently by the correct trade rather than multiple visits and quick fixes at an over inflated price.
As a completely independent property management service from any agent this also saves our Customers money allowing them to work with local agents on a “Let Only Basis” and giving them peace of mind that their property is being looked after by a Master Building Company.
Property Management Services
Key elements of this extensive Property management service are as follows:
Prior to tenancy commencement:
- Deposit taken on your behalf and placed in the custodial service provided by the Deposit Protection Scheme.
- Guarantors checked and contacted on your behalf so that they know their responsibilities during the tenancy.
- Our Tenancy Commencement Team will access your property and provide you with a property report prior to allowing your tenants access. This report will include suggestions on cleanliness, required maintenance and potential upgrades should the be required.
- Once the property is ready our Inventory Team will take a video tour of the property with stills of any damage and items of value you provide your tenants.
- We organise all the necessary certificates required to let your property legally.
- Our rent collection team will make sure all rents are paid.
- One of our Team will liaise with your tenants and meet them for key release once all the boxes are ticked. They will be given their welcome pack and our processes will be explained to them fully for their tenancy.

During the tenancy period:
- Your tenants are given access to their properties cloud (dropbox) which will contain all necessary information/certificates and their photo inventory.
- You’ll see we have a report an issue button on the top right of this website, all our tenants are directed to this to grant us access to your property and also log any call-outs during the tenancy period. As one of our Landlords you will receive a monthly report on all call from one of our team. ****PLEASE NOTE ALL CALL-OUTS ARE INCLUDED IN YOUR MANAGEMENT PACKAGE AT NO EXTRA COST****
- End of 1st month inspection: one of our team will visit your property to ensure your tenants are happy and make sure they are settled in well. This also gives us a chance to compile a report on how they are maintaining your property. Should the report be bad we will inform your tenants that there will be monthly inspections going forward. Should the tenants pass with flying colours we will add them onto our standard quarterly inspections to ensure they are maintaining your property to the right level to minimise wear and tear.
- Rent Collection: We give all our tenants a 10 day window from due date to transfer the funds, should all of your tenants paid then the net rent will be transferred to your nominated account on this date.
- Rent Arrears: Should your tenants be late our team will contact your tenant’s guarantor and request the funds, please be aware this may delay payment over to your nominated account. Should the guarantor refuse to settle the outstanding arrears our legal team will send a letter on your behalf however it is your responsibility to cover any costs incurred from this point.
- Should you have rented your property on an all inclusive basis we put all the bills into our company name and settle these with the utility allowance on your behalf. We share in the property cloud each bill during the tenancy so that your tenants are always aware should they be close to exceeding there allowance for the tenancy.
Our property management service provides reassurance that your property is being cared for by your tenant. We provide routine inspections of the property, and full inspections at the end of a tenancy to check your property has been left in an acceptable condition. We will also deal with the release of the deposit and take any necessary action to ensure the property is ready for the next tenants, giving you peace of mind that your property is being taken care of.
End Of Tenancy:
- 2 weeks prior to the end of the tenancy one of our End of Tenancy Team will request a house meeting at your property to issue the end of tenancy check list for each room and the communal areas. They will also inform your tenants of our expectations for cleanliness and remedial works for them to obtain their deposit back. This we believe gives them plenty of time to ensure full return of the deposit and makes sure there is no mistakes or misunderstanding.
- Key handover – we liaise with your tenants and organise for one of the team to collect all tenant keys and do a final check of the property on your behalf.

- End of tenancy report – Once we have all your keys returned one of the Team will go and complete the end of tenancy report this will include: property cleanliness, wear and tear, malicious damage and amount covered by the deposit held. Our team will make observations regarding potential upgrades/replacements and we always suggest a sparkle clean to ensure the cleanliness level is there for the incoming tenants (please be aware this is an additional cost and your prerogative whether to action this)